AI Stats News: 35% Of Workers Worldwide Expect Their Job Will Be Automated

The Life of Data, the fuel for AI: Security

Recent surveys, studies, forecasts and other quantitative assessments of the progress of AI highlight anxiety about AI eliminating jobs, the competition for AI talent, questions about employees AI preparedness, and data quality, literacy, privacy, and security.

70% of cybersecurity professionals investigate more than 10 security alerts daily, a marked increase from 2018 when just 45% reported investigating double-digit alerts each day; survey respondents report a false-positive rate of 50% or higher; 78% said it takes more than 10 minutes to investigate each alert, a significant increase from 64% who said the same in 2018; 41% believe their primary responsibility is to analyze and remediate threats, opting instead to reduce investigation times and alert volumes, a dramatic decrease from 70% in 2018 [CRITICALSTART survey of more than 50 Security Operations Center (SOC) professionals]

Forbes Contributor, Gil Press, outlined the recent cybersecurity industry trends and statistics in his recent article. Read more to see how CRITICALSTART‘s 2019 Impact of Security Alert Overload survey report factored into his findings.


Featured in Forbes | January 30, 2020

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