No More Alert Fatigue for MoneyGram, Thanks to Critical Start‘s MDR

Alert fatigue was an issue for MoneyGram’s SOC analysts, who were finding themselves dealing more with alerts, and less with the work they were hired to do.

Alert fatigue was an issue for MoneyGram’s SOC analysts, who were finding themselves dealing more with alerts, and less with the work they were hired to do.

“Prior to the relationship with Critical Start, my SOC analysts were experiencing what we all call alert fatigue,” said Scott Funk, head of security operations at MoneyGram International. “Critical Start has really been able to reduce those alerts. Our SOC Analysts are able to get through every alert they toss our way. I’ve been able to take our level three and level four analysts and put them back to work at what they were really hired to do.”

Funk says Critical Start gives them the attention they need, and find that their issues are resolved in a timely manner.

“Our confidence level since we started our MDR service with Critical Start has greatly increased. We are one of Critical Start‘s top companies for meantime to detect and meantime to respond, and we certainly have reduced the risk within MoneyGram, thanks to that partnership with Critical Start.”

Full Video Transcript:

My name is Scott Funk. I’m head of Security Operations and Data Governance at MoneyGram International. What really led us to our relationship with Critical Start was really the fact that we, as an organization, were going to get the attention we needed. Our issues were going to be addressed in a timely fashion.

Our confidence level since we started our MDR service with Critical Start has greatly increased. I would say that prior to the relationship with Critical Start, my SOC analysts were experiencing what we all call alert fatigue. Critical Start has really been able to reduce those alerts. Our SOC Analysts are able to get through every alert they toss our way. I’ve been able to take our level three and level four analysts and put them back to work at what they were really hired to do. We are one of Critical Start‘s top companies for meantime to detect and meantime to respond, and we certainly have reduced the risk within MoneyGram thanks to that partnership with Critical Start.

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