How Legacy MSSPs Increase Cybersecurity Risks

Today, the number of cyberattacks is on the rise. According to a 2017 report from Accenture, there are more than 130 large-scale, targeted breaches in the U.S. per year, and the number is growing by 27 percent annually. As a result, distributed enterprise IT environments are facing more complex threat landscapes. Threat actors and hackers are continually evolving their techniques and using new machine-generated attacks on a daily basis. With all this change, it can be extremely difficult for small enterprise security teams to keep up with the volume of alerts from their sprawling security infrastructure.

Jordan Mauriello, Chief Technology Officer of CRITICALSTART, discusses how the operational model of legacy managed security service providers (MSSPs) can actually leave organizations more vulnerable to cyberattacks, increasing the risk of security breaches and potential compliance issues.


Featured in Corporate Compliance Insights | July 16, 2018

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