[On-Demand Webinar] Navigating the Cybersecurity Slopes: Unveiling the CRU’s Innovative Approach

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In the realm of detection engineering and threat intelligence, our CRU (Cyber Response Unit) glides down the slopes of innovation, boasting a unique process flow and lightning-fast response times, addressing critical incidents within a swift 24-hour window.

During this webinar, Adam Neel and Chris Ocker will cover:

  • Carving precision lines, leveraging threat intelligence, and collaborating closely with our in-house CTI team.
  • How our detections, akin to a well-executed turn, align with the pyramid of pain, ensuring enduring effectiveness against evolving threats.
  • Insights on the avalanche of emerging threats, guiding our proactive stance in fortifying defenses. 
  • Technological ski poles, how we harness the power of AI to bolster our detection engineering against the dynamic threat landscape.

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