Jordan Mauriello: Building a Managed Service with Network Effect

Full video transcript:

So, the strategy behind the MDR offering is really about building something that is both effective and efficient, that allows you to deal with the core problems of providing managed services, and it has to scale from small business to large enterprise with the same capability. And so, when we built a model that was working off of network effect, that was applying ideas like Random Forest Classification Models to deal with all the false positives at scale, that was giving us network effect across huge datasets. We actually found that the larger the environment and the more customers had, the better we got at doing our actual MDR business. We monitored the network 24/7, we prevent breaches, we look at every single alert that happens and we resolve them on your behalf. If CRITICALSTART is monitoring your network, you can be guaranteed that we’re going to catch what attackers are trying to do.

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