2023 Threat Intelligence Guide

Top Five Threats & How to Protect Your Organization

Stay One Step Ahead of Emerging Threats: Your 2023 Threat Intelligence Guide is Here!

A cyberattack occurs every 11 seconds (CISA). Once detected, it can take an average of 287 days to identify a data breach (IBM). Critical Start’s Cyber Threat Intelligence team (CTI) stays one step ahead of emerging threats with extensive research, providing the most timely, accurate, and up-to-date threat intelligence findings. 

In our free 2023 Threat Intelligence Guide, you will learn: 

  • The top five threat intelligence predictions for 2023, including LockBit, cyber extortion and nation-state cybercriminal activity
  • The industries most likely to be targeted this year, including supply chain and critical infrastructure
  • The five best ways you can protect your organization in 2023 and beyond

Download our guide!

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