Protecting governments from cybersecurity threats

Cybersecurity services designed for the unique challenges of state & local governments.


73% of government employees are concerned about impending ransomware threats to cities across the United States1.


In a 2020 survey, half of the local governments had experienced between 1 and more than 3 breaches in the past year2. 

$1.6 Million

Breaches in the public sector averaged a cost of $1.6 million per breach3.

The continued growth of attacks and the global shortage in cybersecurity talent all make cybersecurity a big challenge for state and local governments. But Managed Detection and Response (MDR) services combined with strategic Cybersecurity Consulting services will prepare you for threats, provide 24/7/365 RSOC coverage, resolve all alerts and stop breaches in their tracks.

Managed Detection and Response Services

Expert RSOC coverage 24/7/365 for EDR, SIEM and XDR tools

Critical Start Managed Detection and Response services provide RSOC expertise and integrations with industry leading EDR, SIEM, and XDR technologies to quickly detect every event, resolve every alert and respond to breaches. MDR excels in protecting customer data, stopping ransomware in its tracks, and optimizing your existing security investments. 

Our Cyber Research Unit (CRU) enhances the MDR services with an elite team of researchers and detection engineers who build and enrich detections and Indicators of Compromise (IOCs) and works as an extension of your team to continuously optimize threat detection and response outcomes in your unique environment. 

Request a Demo

Get an expert lead, personalized demo of our Cyber Operations Risk & Response™ platform, the platform that we use to deliver MDR, and an overview of our services.

Incident Response Services

Breaches happen in today’s complex, technological world, but you have the power to do something about it. Our Cybersecurity Incident Response team helps you limit the dwell time of an attacker through immediate response.

Ready to Talk with an Expert?

1Public Sector Security Research IBM-Harris Poll Survey 2020, IBM, 

2 3 Ways to Reduce the Cost of a Government Data Breach, SecurityIntelligence,

3A Look at Local Government Cybersecurity in 2020, ICMA,

2024 Gartner Market Guide for MDR Services - See how top MDRs compare
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