Merging Disparate Security Controls: Finding Your Perfect MDR Match

There is a lot of pressure out there in a busy cybersecurity world, and you’ve been dealing with lonely, disparate security controls. There’s pressure to reduce time to detect and response. Challenges around configuration, deployment, and maintenance of tools. And so many apps and online profiles to sort through to see what the best cybersecurity solutions have to offer. Let’s face it. When it comes to searching for your perfect Managed Detection and Response (MDR) match – you’re (alert) fatigued.

And we get why you’re frustrated. You’re dealing with an inability to measure security posture and identify control failures. Not to mention the threats that are evading security controls. According to Panaseer, security control failures are one of the biggest challenges in cybersecurity. This is when a security control is expected to be in place, but actually isn’t, causing a gap in your security coverage. There are many things that could potentially cause a failure like this, such as:

  • Operational errors
  • Multiple security tools making threat detection more complicated
  • An incomplete deployment, or an incomplete implementation or migration
  • Manual processes in place that result in other faults

This is a big deal because you may think you have security controls in place to stop an attack, but that actually isn’t the case. In fact, “82% of security leaders have been surprised by a security event, incident, or breach that evaded a control thought to be in place.” (Security Leaders Peer Report)

In these dark and lonely times, what is a cybersecurity leader to do?

You deserve to be swept off your feet. When considering an MDR provider, look for solutions and services that integrate with multiple vendor technologies. Afterall, clear communication is so very important. An ideal MDR provider should:

  • Optimize and operationalize your security controls
  • Consolidate visibility across disparate security tools
  • Monitor security controls detection coverage
  • Offer high-fidelity threat detection content

Critical Start has been wooing organizations with our MDR services since before it was cool. By using the MITRE ATT&CK® Framework to enforce, manage and maintain effective detection content, we help customers make risk-based decisions on attack coverage.

You’re ready for a mature relationship

We can help you advance your security maturity by exploring your existing tools for untapped potential. We optimize your existing security controls, while providing you visibility and performance metrics into how they are covering against the latest threats. This means that your security function will continue to mature, regardless of economic climate.

We’re always looking to improve

Improve areas of risk with our Threat Detection Engineering (TDE) team, as they continuously add new detections to your security tools based on the latest curated threat intelligence and other sources. Like this recent technical blog post on a new method of obscuring malicious actor activity. That’s right – we’re on top of the trends.

Ready to swipe right? Let’s talk. Merging disparate security controls is just one benefit we have to offer. At Critical Start, our SOC is considered a part of your team. We’re here to help you simplify breach prevention while stopping painful heart break from business disruptions.

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